Department of Psychology
The College of New Jersey
Ewing, NJ 08628
Office: 123 Social Sciences Building
Office Phone: 609-771-2582
Lab: SSB 5 & 6A (Organizational Psych Lab)
Office Hours: by appointment (see below).
Dr. Jason Dahling is a Professor of industrial/organizational psychology (the application of psychology to solving workplace problems) and Chair of the Psychology Department. His research and teaching interests focus on applications of self-regulation research to understanding feedback processes, employee deviance, career development, and emotion management in the workplace. He has published 50+ peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters and made 100+ presentations at professional conferences on these topics to date. His consulting experience is focused primarily on performance management concerns with clients in the manufacturing and pharmaceuticals sectors. He received his PhD from the University of Akron in 2007.
Google Calendar page for Appointments